Common reasons your Columbus disability claim may have been erroneously denied
As a Columbus disability attorney, I have seen many instances in which the Social Security Administration erroneously denied a claim for benefits. One of the most common errors occurs when the state agency evaluating an application for Ohio Social Security disability benefits overestimates the claimant’s “residual functional capacity.” For example, you may have a problem with sitting or standing for long periods of time. While this may be a very real problem for you, the Social Security Administration does not automatically identify sitting or standing problems as disabilities. Consequently, the state agency may have determined that your residual functional capacity – that is, your ability to function (sit, stand, walk, bend, etc.), in spite of the limitations caused by your medical condition – is such that you are capable of performing “medium” work when, in fact, you are only capable of performing “light” work. This discrepancy will result in a mistaken denial of benefits. Depending on your age, correcting this error in your residual functional capacity may result in a finding of “disabled.”
Other common errors that may result in a mistaken denial of benefits include:
- Your impairment was deemed “not severe”;
- Only some of your impairments were actually considered;
- Your pain was not properly evaluated;
- The Ohio state agency did not gather the evidence that would demonstrate that your impairment “meets or equals” a Listing impairment;
- The Ohio state agency did not properly evaluate your education level.
A Columbus Social Security lawyer can help
If your Ohio disability benefits claim was denied, a Columbus Social Security lawyer can review your file to determine if the denial was in error and, if so, take action to correct that error. At the Law Office of Eric A. Jones, we understand the intricacies of the Social Security rules and regulations. We will determine how and why the Ohio state agency concluded you were not disabled and dig deeper to develop proof of discrete issues that demonstrate the true nature of your impairment and reveal the Social Security Administration’s error. If you would like to consult with us about your Ohio Social Security disability claim, please call our office or send us an email. If you prefer, please complete the Free Claim Evaluation form to your right, and we will respond promptly.
Eric A. Jones
Columbus Social Security lawyer
Phone: 614-545-9998
Fax: 614-224-9300
Jones Law Group, LLC
513 E. Rich Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215